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Club pays tribute to 'calm, dignified' Dan Potter after captain steps down

Club pays tribute to 'calm, dignified' Dan Potter after captain steps down

David Hickey12 Oct 2023 - 07:54
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Mill Hill Village Director of Cricket Phil Smith hails club captain's leadership after five years in the role

'Dan Potter led admirably in all aspects of his captaincy'
- Director of Cricket Phil Smith

Mill Hill Village Cricket Club has paid tribute to Dan Potter after the 1st XI skipper stepped down from the role after five seasons.

Last week it was confirmed that Potter was stepping down as club captain but would continue to play.

Director of Cricket Phil Smith this week paid tribute to Potter's contribution to the club. He said: "I’d like to place on record on behalf of the club my thanks and appreciation to Dan Potter for leading the club with distinction during his five-year tenure. I think it’s been a really positive period for the club. We’ve had the addition of the Adult 4th XI, good growth in the Junior section and promotions for the top two Adult sides over that period. It all points to a club that’s moving in the right direction over that period, under his club captaincy.

From the archive: Read our 2022 interview with Dan Potter

Smith added: "It’s worth saying that captaincy places quite a significant burden on individuals at a club that relies so heavily on volunteers and on the goodwill of its members. It’s never just about what goes on inside the rope. There are also many other duties to consider such as selection, people management, dealing with disciplinary issues, securing umpires, ensuring all the match reporting is undertaken, and avoiding the myriad of league fines. Dan’s walked these often difficult paths with patience, calmness, authority and dignity. He has led admirably in all aspects of his captaincy."

Smith also noted how the captaincy had not affected Potter's form with the bat. Indeed, he was recently selected in a Mill Hill Village all-time XI by past and present club presidents.

He said: "It was very pleasing to see the captaincy didn’t seem to have too big an impact on his form with the bat. He remained by far the biggest and most consistent contributor in terms of runs basically every season throughout his tenure. And he found the confidence to bowl himself a bit more in recent seasons and has picked up quite a few wickets. He’s a more than useful swing bowler at 1st XI level and he found that he was often the best option so it was good to see that coming to the fore a bit more in the last couple of years. We do wish him well.

Smith added that now the club is now looking for expressions of interest from members to take on the role of club captain.

"Fresh ideas and new momentum is never a bad thing," Smith said. "So while we’re sad to see Dan step down from the role, it does present an opportunity for someone else to step forward. The club is happy to receive expressions of interest from anyone willing to take on the prestigious and important role of club captain moving forward."

Further reading