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Mill Hill Village Cricket Club welcomes new members

Mill Hill Village Cricket Club welcomes new members

David Hickey28 Mar 2023 - 22:24
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Drive to recruit new players across all ages and abilities to build on last year's championship-winning success

Mill Hill Village Sports Club is currently recruiting players to its cricket section.

A non-profit organisation in a picturesque corner of northwest London with a proud history of more than 150 years, we invite new members to join our club regardless of cricketing experience, ability or age.

Mill Hill Village Cricket Club provides cricket coaching for over 200 local children and assists coaches and trainers to obtain relevant sporting qualifications to support our junior members. New members are always welcome. Soon, all members will be able to take advantage of our new state-of-the-art outdoor practice nets, due for completion in summer 2023.

We are currently recruiting players of all standards and ages for the following:
:: four Saturday adult teams, who play in the Saracens Herts Cricket League
:: an adult friendly team playing on Sundays
:: mixed junior teams at Under 11, Under 13, Under 15 and Under 17 level (see link below)

MHVCC also field teams for midweek fixtures.

2022 was the MHVCC's most successful season in 30 years, with both its 1st XI and 2nd XI sealing promotion in the Herts Cricket League by winning their respective divisions. We hosted a successful seven-a-side football tournament in spring 2023, put on a popular President’s Day on August bank holiday and stage a six-a-side cricket competition across our two pitches at our Burtonhole Lane home every September. With a lively social scene, including team curries, the club takes pride in its off-field events and are making improvements to our clubhouse.

Subscriptions and match fees
Despite rising costs, MHVCC is pleased to confirm that our annual subscription fees for 2023 remain unchanged for the fourth consecutive year. Match fees have not increased in 18 years. Ours is a club that does its best to keep cricket affordable and accessible for all.

Full members:
Annual subscriptions - two payment options
£280 one-off payment (covers all subs and all match fees for all Saturday and Sunday matches; excludes any midweek or evening matches)


£150 annual subs and then £10 match fees per game played

£150.00 annual subscriptions (covers all junior games):
£100.00 non match-playing juniors/siblings:

£5.00 junior match fees (in adult games)

All subscriptions (£280 or £150) to be paid by May 31.

Volunteering and sponsorship
Like all clubs playing recreational cricket, MHVCC is powered by its volunteers and sponsors. So as well as new players, we are also looking for new volunteers to help with coaching, scoring, umpiring, match-day assistance, bartending, administration and media duties.

Contact us
If you'd like further information about getting involved as a player, volunteer or sponsor, contact Director of Cricket Philip Smith on 07976 297721 or email

Details about membership for our Juniors section is available here.

Further reading