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What I’ve learnt: 3rd XI captain Ken Shakoor’s mid-season report card

What I’ve learnt: 3rd XI captain Ken Shakoor’s mid-season report card

David Hickey15 Jul - 14:58
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The 3s skipper says he is committed to giving his best to uphold the club's values on and off the field

'The opportunity to lead a talented team and be a part of such a vibrant and supportive community is truly rewarding.'
- MHVCC 3rd XI captain Ken Shakoor

Being the captain of the 3rd XI at Mill Hill Village Cricket Club has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me, writes Ken Shakoor, pictured above left. The club entrusted me with this responsibility, and I must say that I have absolutely loved every moment of it. However, like all positions of leadership, it comes with its fair share of challenges and joys.

One of the most significant aspects of being a captain is the role in the selection process. It can be tough at times to make tough decisions when it comes to team selection, especially when you have a pool of talented players to choose from. Balancing the skill sets, experience levels, and team dynamics to form a cohesive unit is a challenging but rewarding task.

Unpredictable weather
Another challenge as a captain is dealing with the unpredictable weather conditions. Nothing can be more frustrating than putting in all the hard work only to have a match washed out due to bad weather. It requires patience, adaptability, and effective communication with the team to navigate such situations and keep morale high.

However, being the captain has allowed me to work with an exceptional group of people despite the challenges. The camaraderie and teamwork within the team are truly commendable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to lead such a talented and dedicated group of players. It's inspiring to see each player's passion and commitment to the game, making every match a memorable experience.

Depth of talent
Moreover, I am thrilled to see the depth of talent we have at all levels of the club, especially among the up-and-coming colts and under-17s. The future of the club looks bright with such promising young players honing their skills and showing great potential. It is a testament to the club's commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of excellence and sportsmanship.

Sense of history
Mill Hill Village Cricket Club, established in 1868, has always had a strong focus on the local community and promoted a friendly and family-oriented culture. This rich history and tradition are evident in the warm and welcoming atmosphere that permeates through the club. It is more than just a place to play cricket; it is a community that supports and encourages each other both on and off the field.

Strengthening bonds
Recently, we had a friendly T20 match organised with a wonderful BBQ, which brought the entire club together for a day of cricket, fun, and camaraderie. The event was a huge success, and I am already looking forward to the next one. It is these moments of coming together as a club that strengthens our bond and makes the cricketing experience truly special.

In conclusion, being the captain of the Mill Hill Village 3rd XI is a privilege that I cherish. The role comes with its share of challenges and responsibilities, but the opportunity to lead a talented team and be a part of such a vibrant and supportive community is truly rewarding. I look forward to the continued growth and success of the club, and I am committed to giving my best to uphold the club's values and traditions both on and off the field.

Further reading